
Farewell letter



Chair-Prof. M. Amélia Santos

Instituto Superior Técnico
Lisbon, Portugal



All participants are invited to submit abstracts of their scientific communications, and indicate their preference for Oral or Poster presentation. However, due to a limited number of oral presentations, the Scientific Committee will make a selection among all the submitted abstracts requesting Oral Communication.

All abstracts must be edited according to the rules available in the abstract template, available for download HERE , and they will be peer-reviewed for their acceptance. The abstracts must be submitted online in the symposium participant area, after your registration is complete, until April 15th. At the end of the abstract file, the corresponding Topic should be included, from the topics list.

All abstracts must be written in English language. Each participant can submit only one abstract.

All accepted abstracts will be published online in the Acta of the International Symposia on Metal Complexes (ISSN: 2239-2459), Vol. 2 (ISMEC Group series, Symposium edition: XXIII).

To the most significant papers will be given the possibility of publication as full-papers in a special issue of Dalton Transactions (RSC), under a peer-review process. That option must be chosen by the participant during the abstract submission process, although the Scientific Committee will make a final decision on its submission suitability. The deadline for the manuscript submission will be September 22nd.

Oral presentation guidelines

Three types of oral presentations will be present at ISMEC2012, and their definite durations (talk + discussion) are:

- Plenary lectures (PL) - 50 + 10 min
- Keynote lectures (KN) - 25 + 5 min
- Oral communications (OC) - 15 + 5 min

The authors are strictly requested to adjust the length of their talks to the scheduled timetable. In order to facilitate a maximum of scientific discussion, authors are encouraged to direct their presentations not just towards their specific topic experts, but towards all the audience.

The organizing committee will provide the audiovisual facilities for oral presentations. Microsoft Office (PowerPoint 2003 or 2010) and Open Office3 (Impress) software will be available. If any specific facility should be required, please contact the organization in advance. The authors are requested not to use their personal computers. After the oral sessions, the presentation files shall be immediately deleted from the computer.

In order to avoid last-minute incidents, the presentation files should be delivered to the organization 1 day in advance. This can be done either by e-mail or using a flash USB pen drive.

Poster presentation guidelines

The posters size must be A0 (841×1189 mm or 33.11×46.81 in), in portrait orientation.

A picture of the presenting author should be included at the upper-right corner of the poster, for easier identification, thus allowing a maximum of scientific discussion. The organization will provide tape needed to mount the posters.

The poster viewing and its discussion is organized in two sessions, with approximately 1 h each:

- Session 1 (Tuesday, 19th, 6.20 pm): Posters P1 P64

- Session 2 (Thursday, 21st, 6.20 pm): Posters P65P114

The mounting of the posters should be done preferably in the morning of the respective day, so that they are ready to be viewed during Lunch time.

To view the list of poster presentations and check the number of your poster, click here.

After the poster session is over, the poster must be removed by the authors. If the poster is kept in the same place, staff members will dismount it, and it can be claimed afterwards at the reception desk (no responsibility is assumed for any damage to the posters).

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